Wednesday 24 November 2010

Needs must

So im finding that these dark nights are making it impossible to do any training in the week, with Olympia fast approaching im starting to get a bit twitchy, so I decided on sunday that the next best thing would to bring training indoors.......... well that's what I have done, I now have one of the dog walk planks in my front room, a bit drastic I know but my brother came over to visit tonight and he didn't even batter an eye lid, now ive put that down to one of two things, he is either very blind or probably the more likely reason is that he is used to me doing strange things in my training world !!!

Now with Keisha's A-Frame in a complete mess ive decided to revert back to the 2o2o method, originally I was planning to run it but she just cant seem to grasp it and either jumps from a great height or does some sluggish attempt at it and to be perfectly honest I just haven't got the time to do all the repetitions that are needed to train it. All is not lost though, watch this space .............

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