Maisy and Emma ran next with a lovely run in the Introductory power and speed, so close to that clear, Maisy looked great but just missed her stride taking one pole out.
Ronny and Kody were both competing in Primary today and both having 5 faults in their agility and the power and speed class. I ran Keisha in her power and speed and she did a lovely round to finish 4th.
Kody then did a really brilliant jumping round to finish 4th, it's really starting to come together now and it's so nice to see his confidence growing, sadly I didn't get it on camera but I can certainly remember the run in my head :)
Then that was it, the last class of the day and Ronny and me got it right, Emma managed to video it so take a look at the clip below, 1st place.
This is Keisha's last jumping round of the day, she finished in 2nd place, 4 out of 4 clears so im really chuffed.
The highlight of the day came when Emma and Maisy had their first clear round ever, it's about time but it was definitely worth the wait, it was a great moment and im so glad I managed to catch it on camera, if that wasn't enough they became greedy and managed a second clear in their jumping later in the day, well done guys definitely well deserved, take a look at the clip below, excuse our silly cheering at the end !!!
So that's it, all of our dogs managed at least a clear round each. To top the day off I entered Ronny in the clever dogs and he had 3 clear runs which is a miracle in it's self, ive checked the current seed times and I think he might be lying in first place, I will have to wait until it officially comes out later in the week, I will keep you all posted.
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