This week has been a nightmare, ive been off work sick since yesterday with a bad back, neck and a really sore throat, I haven't felt this bad for a long time. It's times like this when having dogs is really hard work as they don't understand what rest means. I decided to drug myself up to the eye balls on Nurofen and brave agility training with Keisha and Ronny last night, what a big mistake, Keisha wasn't too bad but my lack of enthusiasm really showed in my handling and I think it just put her off.
You know the saying "the good the bad and the ugly" well Ronny was the bad and ugly all rolled into one, it was always going to be hard work as he is just so bloody keen, but last night in training we were working on contacts into tunnel, well we all know Ronny is tunnel mad and for him to stop on contacts was just never gonna happen !!!
Thankfully it started to rain so I thought that was a good enough sign telling me to finish training early, which I did. Today ive been on pure rest and done nothing but mince about in my pj's watching tele, the dogs are outside in the garden laying in the sun eating goodies.
This weekend we are in Worcester at the Golden Valley Show, im hoping I will be back on form as it's Ronny's first Grade 5 show and I really don't want to miss it due to illness.
Good luck to all the ABC semi-finalists this weekend, especially to Grace and Kiah and Natalie and Kiros, keep me posted with all the news !!!
Ronny would like to wish his sister Rusty the best of luck in her Champ class this weekend, if she gets the ticket then it will be the third, which will make her a champion, good luck sis x
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