What is it with my dogs, get one dog recovered from an injury to find another one has gone lame. Keisha and Zippy accidentally collided with each other at the park yesterday which resulted in Keisha doing a couple of rolly polly's and getting up lame. Zippy appears to be ok so at least thats something. So now its time for Keisha to have a couple of weeks rest and put her feet up and enjoy the comfort of the house rather than the kennel for a change. (I best keep watch she don't milk it !!!)

Not much to update you on at the moment, all training has currently stopped due to the weather and unless it suddenly improves I doubt it will be on for the next week or so.
Which means there has been plenty of time to sit at the computer and plan which competitions im going to do in the year. I have mainly stuck to the same shows as I normally do but with the exception of one or two. It's probably a good time as the shows are starting to appear on the sites and it always seems like the camping gets full as soon as they appear.
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