Wednesday 7 July 2010

Training Plan

So it's been a hard week for my brain, im trying to plan future training sessions for Zippy but there is just so much to do.
I'm in the dilemma of asking him to tighten up around the course already, is it too soon, I wanted him to power at everything in sight to reinforce the go on and not become a cling-on, but now I keep telling myself "you have to do it sometime" and now is probably a good time.

So.......... I think I have agreed with myself to stay away from teaching him tight pull in's and push throughs but concentrate on tight wing wraps and turns. Grade 4 doesn't usually have to many tricky turns etc etc so im hoping he will maintain his speed and drive out for the next obstacle. I think I will work on that for the next month or so and then review our progress and see if we are ready to move on.

In relation to the other dogs, I think im just gonna keep plodding on, keep their confidence high and just work on the issues that arise the week before, for Ronny either super glue the poles to the wings or enter him at small height !!!

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