Wednesday 14 July 2010

Brain storming

What a change in the weather, I guess it was a bit much to ask for continuous sun all summer, anyway, I managed to get some training in tonight before the heavens opened, we worked on sprint endurance (slogger) it always seems to keep the dogs interested chasing a ball whilst they get a beast of a workout. Tomorrow morning I think we will do the same, that way they have the rest of thursday and all day friday to rest before the agility show.

So this weekend we are at Rugby, its a nice local show with just a 20min drive, Kody and Zippy are in their winning out period so im planning on holding their contacts a bit longer than usual, Keisha still has tendencies to ping hers so the plan is to hold hers too. The jumping rounds will be aimed at speed and if possible working the dogs at distance, im guessing that might not be possible with Ronny and Keisha in their classes but we can only hope.

Anyway, now im half way through our season I have been thinking of what I would like to achieve in winter training, maybe its a bit soon but with getting the train to and from work each day it allows me plenty of thinking time. Ive started to write a couple of ideas down and im currently researching a few techniques that I might use on my own dogs, with Zippy being my baby dog his list is far bigger than the others.

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